Problems editing files that are not "checked out"

*** add new knowledge about marking read only ***

- mentioned above that some options for adding files to source control do not check them out by default. If you edit a file under version control but do not check it out before editing, you will not be able to check it in.

- you will be able to use the "show difference" option to show differences with the original, but you won't be able to check it in and therefore won't be able to manage the changes.

- also, if you DO try to check it out, it will flag that the changes since adding it to source control will will be lost.

- if you do want to check in the changes, the only solution will be to remove it from source control and then add it back. This is ok if you work alone, and there are not a large number of changes already tracked for the file (which would be lost if you removed it from source control). (curious)

- another problem will be in a multi-user situation where another user won't know you're editing it.

- Better to just always check files out before editing.

- unfortunately, this is not the default, and the mechanism to catch you trying to edit a file not yet checked out is only effected under the studio "project" tab.

- if you edit with the normal directories tab, or File commands (or of course, another editor), it won't warn you before editing a file that has not yet been checked out.

- trouble also arises when you check a file in and do not choose to leave it checked out. You again open yourself to changes outside the projects tab that cannot be managed.

- when you check a file in, there is an option to "check out immediately". This will prevent that.

- the problem would also be prevented by storing the working code in a directory other than that in which you edit. Then have a build put the changed code in a new dir from which testing and uploading is done.

- would require checkin and build before could test. seems troublesome.

- SEE the faq entry on how to "check in" a changed but not "checked out" file

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