Why Version Control? The Benefits

Complex web applications demand a higher degree of control and tracking.

Have you ever made a change in a template to solve a problem, only to discover later (perhaps days later) that the change didn't work quite right (or worse, that it broke something else)?

If it's been a while since you looked at the code, it can be hard to remember just what you changed.

And if you do want to back out that change, if it's related to other changes in other templates, will you remember that?

Or have you ever had the boss (or a client) come screaming to you that you "broke" the system? "You were modifying code on the site last week, right?", they say. Well now something's broken and it must have been your changes. How can you prove or disprove their assertion?

These are some excellent reasons to take advantage of version control software. And they're of value to any CF developer, whether working alone or in a team.

Team-based Version Control: The Wild Frontier
Add more than one developer working on the same project (or even the same template), and the mix can get really complicated. And there's more finger pointing than in Congress!

(to be completed)

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