Charles Arehart,

SysteManage Founder/CTO Charlie Arehart Publishes 2 Articles at New Macromedia Security Development Center

Laurel, MD - September 6, 2002

SysteManage is proud to announce that Macromedia has selected two articles by Systemanage founder and CTO, Charlie Arehart, to be published in their new Security Development Center.

"The Security Development Center is a brand new resource for Macromedia and I'm thrilled to not only be chosen to have an article there, but to have it listed as the first one on the page", said Charlie. "Indeed, I have two articles there and a third planned for the future."

Amy Wong, Technical Editor for the Macromedia Designer and Developer Center, said "Charlie's articles were the 'headline' pieces in our Security launch. They are really well written, informative, rich, and deep with information. I think the developers will eat them up. They're a great value to developers."

The articles titles are:

These contributions are just two among many he does for the ColdFusion web applicaiton development community, including his monthly "Journeyman" column in the ColdFusion Developer's Journal


About SysteManage
SysteManage is a consulting/training firm in Laurel, MD which specialized in providing resources and assistance to web application developmers world-wide. For more information, contact Charlie Arehart at, or visit

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