Future Topics Being Considered
While the list of seminars is already rather broad, there are ever more topics about which another day of discussion can be created. Here are some of the topics under consideration, some of which extend beyond simply CF-specific topics.
Feel free to contact us with your thoughts, or more new proposed topics.
Topics under consideration:
- Source Code Control: Why and How, for Teams and Lone Guns
- Making the Most of JavaScript
- ColdFusion Security: Login processing, Coder segregation, Hack-proofing & more
- Data-driven Charting with CFMX and More
- An Introduction to Java for non-Java Web Developers
- Viewlet Builder: Creating Great Demonstrations/Training for Your Software
- Leveraging VMWare Workstation for Development, Testing, and Support
- Using PayPal for Accepting Credit Cards on Your Site
To find available dates for public seminars, see the schedule/registration page. You can also in express interest in or help arrange a seminar your area. We offer complimentary seats in classes to those who can help to bring a seminar to their company or area, in terms of promotion or finding inexpensive locations for presentation.
Course topics and prices subject to change due to continuous improvement and refinement.