Advanced Servlet and JSP Programming
Are you already experienced in Servlet and JSP development, and wanting to take your skills to the next level? Here's your ticket to success.
Charlie Arehart presents this 4-day course, created by Marty Hall, author of the popular book "Core Servlets and JSP", on which the course is based. The course is presented with Marty's permission.
It's designed for experienced Java servlet and JSP programmers. If you're new Servlets and JSP, see the course Programming with Servlet and JSP Technology.
Details for arranging presentation of this course are offered below.
Every day is broken into three or four topics, each of which consists of lecture followed by lab time to try hands-on exercises.
- Using and Deploying Web Applications
- Registering Web Applications
- Structure of a Web Application
- Deploying Web Applications in WAR Files
- Recording Dependencies on Server Libraries
- Handling Relative URLs in Web Applications
- Sharing Data Among Web Applications
- Controlling Web Application Behavior with web.xml -- Part I
- Defining the Header and Root Elements
- The Order of Elements within the Deployment Descriptor
- Assigning Names and Custom URLs
- Disabling the Invoker Servlet
- Initializing and Preloading Servlets and JSP Pages
- Controlling Web Application Behavior with web.xml -- Part II
- Specifying Welcome Pages
- Designating Pages to Handle Errors
- Miscellaneous Elements
- Declaring Filters (discussed in detail later)
- Providing Security (discussed in detail later)
- Controlling Session Timeouts
- Documenting Web Applications
- Associating Files with MIME Types
- Locating Tag Library Descriptors (discussed in detail later)
- Designating Application Event Listeners (discussed in detail later)
- Using JavaBeans with JSP
- Creating and accessing beans
- Setting bean properties explicitly
- Associating bean properties with input parameters
- Automatic conversion of bean property types
- Sharing beans among multiple JSP pages and servlets
- The MVC Architecture
- Integrating Servlets and JSP
- Forwarding requests from servlets to static and dynamic resources
- Using servlets to set up beans for use by JSP pages
- An on-line travel agency combining servlets and JSP
- Including JSP output in servlets
- Forwarding requests from JSP pages
- Declarative Web Application Security
- Form-Based Authentication
- Example: Form-Based Authentication
- BASIC Authentication
- Example: BASIC Authentication
- Configuring Tomcat to Use SSL
- Programmatic Web Application Security
- Combining Container-Managed and Programmatic Security
- Example: Combining Container-Managed and Programmatic Security
- Handling All Security Programmatically
- Example: Handling All Security Programmatically
- Using Programmatic Security with SSL
- Example: Programmatic Security and SSL
- Servlet and JSP Filters
- Creating Basic Filters
- Example: A Reporting Filter
- Accessing the Servlet Context from Filters
- Example: A Logging Filter
- Using Filter Initialization Parameters
- Example: An Access Time Filter
- Blocking the Response
- Example: A Prohibited-Site Filter
- Modifying the Response
- Example: A Replacement Filter
- Example: A Compression Filter
- The Application Events Framework
- Monitoring Creation and Destruction of the Servlet Context
- Example: Initializing Commonly Used Data
- Detecting Changes in Servlet Context Attributes
- Example: Monitoring Changes to Commonly Used Data
- Packaging Listeners with Tag Libraries
- Example: Packaging the Company Name Listeners
- Recognizing Session Creation and Destruction
- Example: A Listener That Counts Sessions
- Watching for Changes in Session Attributes
- Example: Monitoring Yacht Orders
- Using Multiple Cooperating Listeners
- Creating Custom JSP Tag Libraries
- Tag handler classes
- Tag library descriptor files
- The JSP taglib directive
- Simple tags
- Tags that use attributes
- Tags that use the body content between their start and end tags
- Tags that modify their body content
- Looping and nested tags
- New Tag Library Features in JSP 1.2
- Using the New Tag Library Descriptor Format
- Bundling Listeners with Tag Libraries
- Aside: Parsing XML with SAX 2.0
- Checking Syntax with TagLibraryValidator
- Handling Exceptions with the TryCatchFinally Interface
- New Names for Return Values
- Looping Without Generating BodyContent
- The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
- Using JSTL: An Overview (jr vs. jx)
- Installing and Configuring JSTL
- Looping with the forEach Tag
- Accessing the Loop Status
- Looping with the forTokens Tag
- Evaluating Items Conditionally
- Using the Expression Language
- Review/Preparation for the Sun Java Web Component Certification Exam
- Exam: Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the
J2EETM Platform
- Exam objectives
- Answers and examples: servlets
- Answers and examples: JSP
- Answers and examples: design, strategies, and deployment
- Summary and Wrapup
For more information on the course, or to request it be presented to your organization, please contact Charlie. He is also planning to arrange public presentations of the course. Of course, you're welcome to contact Marty Hall to have him present it instead. His fee for public presentation of the class is $2195 per person. Contact him directly for on-site courses.
Charlie's fee for presenting the course on-site is $8,000 plus travel expenses.