Excerpted from CF Advisor, date unknown.Displaying "New Line" Characters on OutputDo you have a field in a database that you're trying to display (perhaps a "description") and you know in the database (perhaps Access), the data has carriage returns (new lines), but they don't display when you present the data with CFOUTPUT? Try using the CF function "paragraphformat". So instead of:<CFOUTPUT> #description# </cfoutput>This will return the text in "description" properly, converting single newline characters (CR/LF sequences) into spaces and double newline characters into HTML paragraph markers (<P>). The function is particularly useful within TEXTAREA tags. Quick and Easy Indenting of CodeIndenting your code in CF is smart, and using the tab key to do so will work. But if you use Studio and really want to make indenting easy, you should know about these two features:
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