Intermediate SQL Techniques and DB Design for CFers (One Day Seminar)

As a CF developer, you've certainly come to realize that there's a lot more to developing web apps than simply knowing how to sling CFML. Almost every app you create involves database interaction. The thing is, most CF developers focus on just the most basic SQL (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE), but there's a whole lot more that you really should know about. Too often, developers use CF to do what SQL can do more effectively.

Are you familiar with using aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG)? Do you know when and why you should use an outer joins? Nested and correlated subqueries? These aren't just esoteric features-they can be the key to solving real problems you frequently face. You may just be doing things the hard way.

Then there are the more advanced features that some databases offer, such as views and stored procedures. Are you using those? Do you realize why you should? And what the performance and organizational benefits are? Did you know that you can use these even in a simple DBMS like Access (yes, you can even use CFSTOREDPROC against Access, as we'll see)? But this isn't a talk for only Access developers. Whether you're using SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, or something else, you'll learn things that will work for you.

We'll also cover some fundamentals of database design. Not a boring review but just focusing on the things that you should know-and should study more after this class. We'll also talk about datasource configuration and database selection. You'll get the information you need to go back to work much more capable and ready to learn more at your own pace.

Partial List of Topics:

  • The SQL you need to know beyond the basics
  • Advanced variations of SELECT
  • Using aggregate functions
  • Understanding joins, especially outer joins
  • Why nested and correlated subqueries are cool, powerful, and offer key solutions
  • Leveraging Views, Stored Procedures, and more
  • The least amount of DB Design you need to know
  • DB configuration (datasource definition) alternatives worth knowing about
  • Choosing among DB alternatives
Cost: $219 per person at public classes; $2199 for an on-site presentation

To find available dates for public seminars, see the schedule/registration page. You can also in express interest in or help arrange a seminar your area. We offer complimentary seats in classes to those who can help to bring a seminar to their company or area, in terms of promotion or finding inexpensive locations for presentation.

Course topics and prices subject to change due to continuous improvement and refinement.

One Day Seminar Info:

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