
I'm right clicking on a file but there is no "source control" command available.

- you must be in the projects tab in studio. Use the tab buttons on the lower left of the studio screen to select the 4th one from the left.

i'm in the project tab and I right-click a selected file(s) to use the source control command, but it's grayed out.

- the project has not been added to source control. after adding to source control, don't forget to add file(s) to source control.

I've just added a file to source control but it does not prompt me to check it out when I edit it from within the projects tab.

- curious. don't know why that doesn't work.

I have VSS but it's not recognized:

- see http://forums.allaire.com/devconf/Index.cfm?Message_ID=116258#Message116342

I have installed versions, but it's not recognized (see above)

I have multiple VSS databases. Studio is not recognizing them.

- see http://forums.allaire.com/devconf/Index.cfm?Message_ID=116258#Message116258

- and http://forums.allaire.com/devconf/Thread.cfm?&&Message_ID=79891&_#Message134528

how to use an existing VSS project?

- see http://forums.allaire.com/devconf/Thread.cfm?&&Message_ID=79891&_#Message79891

I'm getting errors "Error: Unspecified error. An exception may have occurred calling the source provider."

- search the forums for threads referring to that

I'm trying to install VSS on a single workstation for single-user CF testing. Not working.

- see http://forums.allaire.com/devconf/Search_Results.cfm?#Message71622

I just turned on the workstation option in versions to mark files read only. I had previously checked out all the files in the project, and then checked some in without checking them out. So now I have some files that are checked out but not changed (and I'd rather they just be marked read only, not checked out), and some that are changed but not checked out (so I can't check them in). How can I clean up this mess?

- see the 2 faqs below for important distinctions.

- also, if a file is not checked out and definitly not changed (you did a "difference" and they "are the same", you can get it marked read only by using "get latest version".

I've checked out a bunch of files and never changed them. Need I check them in to unlock them? Will doing that create a record of changes when none was actually done?

- what you really want to do is use "undo checkout" on those files, but you want to make absolutely sure before doing so that the file is not different from the version in the vault. This command will overwrite the file without warning.

- you can look at each file and do a "difference" display on them, and if not changed you can then safely undo the checkout.

- you might be tempted to select multiple files and "undo" them but be careful, since as noted above any changes will be lost without warning.

- Sadly, there's no easy way to list which files have not been changed since check out and that can therefore be safely "undone". (though in the Versions interface itself, you can at least obtain a list of those that HAVE changed since check out, via the main project files window and it's filter called "files to check in". That way you know what NOT to "undo").

- another work around for undoing files that have not been changed since before the project was created is to find when the project was created (in versions). you can safely "undo the checkout" of all files that are shown in Studio as having been changed BEFORE that date.

I have a file that's in a project, and was not checked out and not marked read only (see setting to fix that, above), and was edited. Now I want to check it in, but cannot because it's not checked out. If I check it out, I'll lose the changes. What can I do?

- there appears to be no command in CF or Versions to handle this, but a workaround is to edit the file. In studio, you will be prompted that the file is not checked out and asked how to proceed. Choose "open it as read only", which just controls how it is loaded into the editor. Then COPY THE FILE TO THE CLIPBOARD. Then check it out. In studio, it will ask to confirm (since it can tell that the file being changed was different from that being checked out). Tell it to proceed. It will load the checked out version into the editor, even though you previously loaded the old version. Paste the clipboard-saved version over top of the version in the editor (being sure to first highlight the entire file in the editor so it is completely overwritten with the clipboard paste). Then save the file and check it in.

I'm trying to use the project synchronize feature in studio, but it's not working

- Amy offers that in VSS, "be sure you set the files within the project to be shareable. I had to do this within the Visual SourceSafe Explorer."

how to share files in Versions?

-create a "share" project and check files in an out of working folder with that (complicates use inside Studio, but may be worth it).

how to work on files on new system

- working on one system, then wanted to put files on a laptop, work from there, and also update the version control db while there. Would then return all the files to the desktop later. Working along, so no need to feare anyone else updating the files or the versions vault.

- thought I could copy the files, the "vault" and the 2 project files (.stp and .slc) from versions' vault dir. Worked ok, but when returned and copied all back onto desktop, found all files I had edited needed to be "checked in", even though I had already checked them in on the laptop. If I had updated the vault, why did it still think they were checked out?

- I had forgotten about one more important file: the versions "workstation database". There is only one file for the entire system (stwork20a.db). I could have copied that but it would not make sense since it really covers all the projects on the workstation. As such, I was kind of in trouble. Fortunately, I found that all I needed to do was check out all the files I had in fact checked in. A compare of the files showed there was no difference. If I checked them out and chose not to lock them on check out, all was fine.

- Still, it raises an ugly spectre about the prospect of taking files offline, and trying to keep the workstation versions database updated while on that other system.

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