Among the topics Charlie's spoken about include:
- Understanding Dreamweaver MX for Studio Developers
- Hidden Gems in CFMX
- Incorporating JSP Custom Tags in CFMX
- ColdFusion Performance Testing and Tuning
- What's new in Release 5 (and previously, what was in 4, 4.01, and 4.5)
- E-testing ColdFusion applications
- Toward Better CF Server Administration--Performance
- Intermediate SQL for Slicing and Dicing Data in CF and SQL
- ColdFusion Hidden Gems (many hidden or poorly understood features)
- Maximizing ColdFusion Studio, and top 10 customization ideas
- Setting up and using the Studio debugger
- Integrating ColdFusion and Java
- Understanding JSP for ColdFusion developers
- Understanding and leveraging Custom Tags, and advanced features of them
- Integrating ColdFusion and Wireless programming
- Understanding and using Source Code Control
- Helping yourself, resources for learning and getting questions answered
- Solving the challenges of remote development
The slides for of all these and many more are available elsewhere on this site.
He can also present virtually any other topic that you'd be interested in, covering not only all facets of ColdFusion but also SQL, Database design, enhancing client applications with Javascript, developing Wireless applications, developing JRun and java server-side applications, and lots more.
Other potential topics can come from the monthly article series he writes in ColdFusion Journal, including:
- New Possibilities for Session and Client Variable Handling in CFMX
- New Possibility in CFMX: Server-side Redirects
- Using JSP Custom Tags in CFMX: What, Why, and How
- Unlocking Restricted Use of CFFILE, CFCONTENT, and More
- Adding New Help Topics to Studio
- Validating Input with Regular Expressions: Little Known Features of CF 5
- Toward Better CF Server Administration--Performance and Security
- Why It's Wrong to Use Application.dsn in Your Templates
- Understanding Locking
- Error handling in CF (Administrative settings, CFERROR, CFTRY/CFCATCH, and more)
- Who's using ColdFusion
- Database choices for CF programmers
- Reconfiguring remote databases via SQL
- Intro to Javascript, and setting the focus for data entry forms
- Advanced uses of custom tags, including how to call them in various locations and use of paired tags
- Simulating stored procedures in MS Access
Finally, as demonstrated in his tips archive, there are still several dozen more topics available.
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