Offering His Seminars

Whether for a user group interested in having Charlie speak at your user group, or for an individual interested in having him speak at your organization or in your area, he'd welcome your help in organizing one or more of his One Day Seminars.

See those pages for more details on topics and costs. Before you do, please take a look at the rest of this page about discounts and possible free seats in exchange for your assistance in organizing/announcing the seminar.

Seminar Discounts for Organizers

Charlie's had the good fortune to have several user group managers help coordinate such seminars. He's happy to offer free seats or other discounts for the seminars for such assistance--whether from the CFUG manager or any member who can help.

Indeed, if a member (or any individual in an organization) can help arrange an on-site presentation within their organization (where a "free seat" would't be useful), he'd be happy to extend a $200 referral fee to that person if it can be accepted. Otherwise, some sort of gift to the organization or the user group can be arranged on their behalf.

Announcing a Seminar to a User Group

When working with a user group, it would help greatly if he could arrange an emailing to the user group membership in advance of the seminar to announce it. And/or he can provide fliers to hand out at a CFUG meeting. He's even working on a video announcement which could be played at such meetings.

Arranging a Seminar Facility

Further, if someone could provide a facility in which to hold the seminars, that would help defray costs as well. Whether the CFUG room (if they allow paid seminars in that space), or a college or corporate meeting room, all that's needed are tables and chairs. The seminars are lecture format, with no need for labs or computers.

He'd also welcome suggestions of hotels, barring the availability of any other room.

Contact Information

If you'd like to discuss any of these possibilities, please feel free to drop him an email. For phone or address contact information, see our Contact page.

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